Are you new to working with students and families experiencing homelessness? Has it been a while since you had McKinney-Vento training? McKinney-Vento 101 will provide you the key components of the McKinney-Vento law and provide the educational definition of homelessness. We will review the roles and responsibilities of LEAs and McKinney-Vento liaisons to support students experiencing homelessness. It will address the key components of identification, enrollment and access. Finally, it will outline the dispute resolution process.
Would you like a more in-depth training on McKinney-Vento enrollment, identification, and dispute resolution process? McKinney-Vento 201 will provide you the strategies to mitigate challenges or barriers to school enrollment, strategies to identify students experiencing homelessness and review the McKinney-Vento dispute resolution process.
Are you interested in how your LEA can plan for and sustain ARP I, ARP II and TEHCY programming? This new TEA TEHCY Funding and Sustainability webinar walks participants through considerations for long-term grant planning. Participants will learn more about funding, and how to leverage other state and federal programs to support students experiencing homelessness, through Title I, Part A; Career and Technical Education (CTE) and State Compensatory Education.
Supporting Seniors and Unaccompanied Youth Experiencing Homelessness with Post-Secondary Planning and Access
Students experiencing homelessness often feel overwhelmed and unaware of resources and supports available to support their post-secondary goals. Attendees will learn about tools and resources available to assist high school seniors and unaccompanied youth experiencing homelessness navigate the financial aid process. Strategies and tools for supporting high school seniors experiencing homelessness will also be shared.
McKinney-Vento 401 | McKinney-Vento Program Best Practices
This training reviews the five best practices to support McKinney-Vento Program implementation. Attendees will learn strategies to assist in the development and evaluation of McKinney-Vento professional development, student coding, program data, identification, and intake process.
McKinney-Vento 301 | Building Community Connections
This training will provide strategies and best practices to develop and maintain McKinney-Vento program community partnerships to support students experiencing homelessness.
Nuts and Bolts of McKinney-Vento School of Origin and Transportation Services
McKinney-Vento School of Origin transportation is a unique right and protection for students experiencing homelessness. Attendees will learn about LEA responsibilities for ensuring school of origin transportation and strategies to implement and support school of origin transportation services.