Behavior & Discipline
Laws, Policy, and Guidance
Student Support
TEHCY Discipline Toolkit
The TEHCY Discipline Toolkit provides a comprehensive overview of how to support and respond to students experiencing homelessness related to discipline. This includes a comprehensive approach to student behavior, including addressing the root-causes of behavior and providing appropriate interventions, supports, and key-actions for students when problematic behaviors occur. There are both federal and state law requirements that must be followed.
This toolkit presents clear and specific descriptions of the provisions of the McKinney-Vento Act as they pertain to discipline, and includes practices, procedures, and tools that local education agencies (LEAs) will be able to use to strengthen services and supports to students experiencing homelessness, also known as McKinney-Vento eligible students. This toolkit serves as both an orientation manual and a ready reference resource for new and experienced LEA leaders.
It is paramount that students experiencing homelessness have equitable access to all available supports and resources to meet the same challenging state academic standards established for all students and all discipline related requirements are understood, implemented and followed.